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Homeland Insecurity (May 13, 2013: Part I)

Homeland Insecurity (May 13, 2013: Part I), Decorative Arts
Homeland Insecurity (May 13, 2013: Part I)

Decorative Arts (Textile)    11 x 8   

Year created
Overall dimensions
18" x 16"
Embroidery floss, cotton
In 168 Hours, an embroidered archive of replicas of Time and People magazines, I recreate cultural images with thousands of cross-stitches. 168 Hours combines two distinct cultural practices: our current obsession with 24-hour news and celebrity culture, and a centuries-old tradition that teaches women their cultural place in the world. By replacing the pixel with a stitch, I carefully preserve rapid cycles of information and interrupt the seamless imagery to reveal each cover as an elaborate construction.


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